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Developed by
Puppy School

The puppy school combines canine education classes and fun activities.

Courses are held in groups of 5 to 12 puppies, from 4 to 9 months old.

The objective of the school is to educate the puppy with the essential collaboration of the owner:

  • Teach him to play with other dogs and people, to interact with other stimuli such as noise.
  • Tell owners about normal puppy behavior and how to recognize a possible behavior problem
  • Teach him basic rules of obedience (sit, stand still, come when called, walk on leash and off leash, etc.)
  • Inform owners about other aspects of puppy care (hygiene and grooming, nutrition, etc.)


  • Pre-registration by mail:
  • Course duration: 1 month
  • When? Saturdays
  • Each class lasts approximately 1 hour.
  • From 4 months.
  • Price: €55 (corresponds to 4 classes of 1 hour)

The entire amount is paid on the first day of the course.

  • Payment is made on the first day of the course.
  • 1 photocopy of the DNI of the person who will take the course.
  • 1 photocopy of the vaccination page and microchip of the dog.

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